Looking Back

Dwelling upon the days we used to talk,
Now nothing.
Shared anything and everything,
Now loneliness.
The giggles and the heart we laughed out,
Lost somewhere.
In search of all happiness,
The moments we spent together,
I find blank space.
I wonder,
Do you miss me?
Do you crave to talk?
And then my heart silently whispers,
Do you even remember me?
My name?
It pierces like a needle,
Pricking inside
Feeling bleeds
Mind numb
Intensifying my pain,
The agony inside me.

By Shreya Sharma

I read poems. Sometimes I write poems. And when I am doing nothing, I am sipping coffee.


  1. Hi! Shreya, thank-you for stopping by my blog, and taking out time to read and to connect to decaprico. I just went through a few of your posts here, a splendid job I must say. I can relate to this one here, I used to write about the same things good to know, I am not the only one. Stay blessed keep writing, for the love of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Heartbreak is an interesting experience. I’ve had 4 such heartbreaks so far in life (being 50). I quit for awhile, feeling it wasn’t worth the pain, but caring for another is what makes us whole. During a single and no dating life of 5+ years, I learned to really love myself though. Which made the next relationship, my marriage, a completely different type of relationship. I still don’t know if I have it right. I believe in life we are always searching for a love as great as the love we’ve experienced with God. And therefore it is always lacking. We can only do our best to help another be more, and in the process become more ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sometimes we have to accept that everything we shared with someone is true but at times life pushes and trashes us to the places where one person has no other choice to leave their loved one with enormous amount of love in there heart.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s all about what can give the most benefit to the situation, and only you can say that. Some situations require more communication and some need acceptance. You know your own heart. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 2 people

      1. You are right. Sometimes we people accept that it has to be this way. And when communication gap goes for a long time, it ends everything.
        But it depends on both the parties, what they want.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hence what I said about communication!! ๐Ÿ˜€
        He should’ve been the first person to read it and the first to comment. ๐Ÿ™‚
        I’m sorry – I’m sticking my nose in where it isn’t supposed to be. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I have been trying to write the same thing since a week….I had so many thoughts that I just couldn’t write what I had in my heart….. You wrote what I wanted to….it’s amazing….

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I think there is at least one person who is thinking exactly the same way about something like Love, Environment, Science, Technology and so on. So that’s fine. There can be many more.

        Interesting is that you guys write about passiveness –

        Does that mean there is communication Gap ?
        Why is that both the parties are not on same page ?
        Is it because of distance coming into picture ?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Right about people thinking same thing at same time.. But it is just rare to meet them, unless some thing like this happens..

        To me, the distance is in between the hearts and communication is not the problem..

        For it evolves over a period of time and this is not a project to have a review on how things are at regular intervals..

        Living in the present and going with the flow makes the present easy, but naming it is tough..

        Though it is easier to understand them in hindsight..

        As for not being on the same page, two humans with free will does have their own thinking influenced by so many factors.. So it is just a tangent and a rarity to be on the same page for a longer while..


      3. Isn’t the purpose of Love to be on same page or to be together ?

        Why does so much of pain is associated with Love ?

        So much of Longing ? The pinching pain and agony ? Is that all worth it ? Is it a price worth paying ? Is it even Love or Confusion ?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Love is not painful in itself. It scatters to different page and causes all the pain and agony only when they try to satisfy every other person in their individual life apart from the one.

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      5. In the course of journey if this happens that’s fine. The pain that accompanies when everyone is involved is rightly pointed out. But after certain time, everything should make sense. If it doesn’t make sense I am not sure of why such things happen.


      6. All the confusions blurted and whined in the social medias and elsewhere is happening during that ‘certain time,’ till everything settles into place..

        And certain things makes sense only in hindsight and not in realtime..

        Liked by 1 person

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